As mammography has become more available and widely used, breast cancers are discovered at an earlier stage, allowing surgeons to curatively treat breast cancer with methods that employ breast conservation. The members of Augusta Surgical Group participate in a multi-disciplinary cancer approach, utilizing advanced surgical techniques coupled with oncologic intervention and radiation therapy, in an effort to treat patients early and aggressively for maximal chance at a cure. Using in-office ultrasound, we are able to biopsy lesions upon the initial visit, rapidly developing a plan of care for patients concerned about a breast mass. Whether the patient needs a modified radical mastectomy for an aggressive tumor found late, a lumpectomy with sentinel node biopsy for earlier stage neoplasms, or the reassurance and counseling with the benign breast cyst, Augusta Surgical Group is readily able to provide whatever care is necessary for the health, well-being, and worry-free confidence that patients deserve.